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alguien me dice como sacar el final depredador?

Can someone tell me how to trigger Jessica to carry me home?


can somwon tell me how i get the DLCs i dont know how i put them into the game

When you open the folder of the game, you see the game itself and a folder named "games". Now after downloading the mod, you need to extract the files, copy paste them into the folder "games", boot the game and you are good to go. If I didn't help, then if you press the best friend dlc, it explains how to do it 


is it posible to have multiple dlc´s on at once?

new dlc all are good


there isn't enough vore games that end with you becoming top pred. Most usually have you survive but your tormentors (from ther perspective of them giving the most dead ends) get away scot free. stuff like the Pred End in this game give it a nice push and pull. It's just nice to have the option of being higher on the food chain.

I hope an update comes out soon, maybe with some audio! :)


i hope this game updates soon

Is there any update

How tf do i play it all i can do is download it into files💀

did you extract the files?

you can either extract the files or if for some reason you have winRaR you can open it there. you can do both by right clicking on the downloaded file

will there be any new update to this game o

its really sad
in the end, your sister is gone, and your only option in the end of the game is to get eaten...
its... sad...
very very sad

Nope, if so, you played it wrong.

i know...
i read the ways to get the endings

Deleted 171 days ago

It's unlikely.

I would really appreciate it please!!!

can someone make a video of them playing all the DLC and post it? I would love to play it but I can’t afford a computer….


With this third DLC, what is the right order to instal them so you overwrite no parts?
Vore Days > Mom > BF > GP ?

Different DLC can only be installed one at a time. However, there is a fan-made mod that includes all of the extra content I've made for VDays.




But the mods are mostly for prey players, right?


Most of my own mods are mostly prey, however, umakeisee's mod has plenty of pred scenes.

Deleted 196 days ago
Deleted 196 days ago

let me know if u add content after the current end, i will say the current end is better then the peeves one , but it is still underwhelming

gmail me if and when u do, my gmail is

Any thoughts on giving a female option for the MC?

Vore Days is only going to have a male protagonist. The sequel, if it ever gets done, will have a female protagonist.

Can I add Android?

(1 edit)

Great game, but short! Way too short! I want to eat more girls, I want to eat all the girls I didn't eat yet by day 7! :o

I'm downloaded it on my mac, but the game won't open. Is there a software that I need to open it


Is there any way to eat the Sister Sarah

(1 edit)

Yes, you make the wish to eat her on day one instead of mom.

Or, like me, you learn to cheat :3
Because real preds are not playing fair.

Hah thanks bro, i will try it right now

And that is true, the real preds cheat sometimes~


Can you make it android too

how to avoid the scene where you forcibly become Sofia's teacher's breakfast?

It's a random outcome, just use a quick save before you get eaten and quick load everytime you get an undesired outcome, this works for any and every random outcome. You can use the scroll wheel to go forward and backwards along the known text history.

Have this exact same problem. I don't think it's random, or maybe my luck is nasty but i've got the "I didn't ask if you wanted to" line like 20 times in a row now. Or maybe I'm doing something wrong. Can someone help?

incest and vore! Great!!!

hey zikik i wondered how do you get the aunt5 vore

I know I'm really late but "Aunt 5" was never actually implemented. They're just extra image files.


hey zikik i keep trying to devorur the mom or the sister but can never make it there any tips on how to get there?

how do i make this kind of game myself?

Look up RenPy, it's a visual novel engine that uses the Python language, that's what this game is made in.


any plans for more updates?


How many different digestion endings are there

Can someone explain how to put the DLC files in the normal files


Copy and paste all the files in the DLC zip into the "game" folder in the main folder.

i can not download can you add a mobile version

I unfortunately don't know how to do mobile ports.


Heyo! I love this game, but I do have a question, could you add some more types of vote like anal, unbirth and so on? I’d love to have the hot mama take me back to her womb

Vore Days will always be mainly oral vore but there will be some other types in the DLC. Also, there is ONE anal scene in the main game.

Wait where is that at? I didn't know that was there

The main game AV scene is during the prey route if you choose to be get eaten at the restaurant. There will be an option to stuff a prey girl with yourself.


Is there sound yet? I see the sound files.. but there is no tone in the game itself...

I'm likely not going to add sound to this one. I'm too lazy.

i like this game i can't stop playing it and i like the mom DLC. 

will there be more DLC in the future ?


I just put out new content for Daisy today.

best Daisy DLC ever. Daisy is my favourite character.

 will Jessica have a DLC in the future ?

 because i have scene a image of her with a big belly in the files


Some of the sprites in the files are just leftovers from other vore games that I took them from, but yes, Jessica will have DLC at some point.

I've gone a number of days in, and I don't think this game is for me.
Any option to talk to anyone one is just me offering to be food.
I do enjoy being prey as much as pred; but I'd like to not be forced into asking to be food whenever I choose to talk to someone.

The game is great for people that just want to be food, though.

I don't like the second day.
I'm trying to be a predator, yet when visiting the library and choosing to talk to the cute girl my character decides to say she can eat him.
That is not cool. There's no indicator saying that talking to her is an automatic prey route, let alone the fact that it's an automatic willing prey when up to this point I've been actively declining prey scenes when possible (I don't mind that there are forced prey scenes of Endo (non-fatal vore) like the one with mom on day one that have  a story reason for being forced. But this interaction has me actively tell the hungry girl she can eat me.
Given the choices I made to this point, there's no reason my character should automatically choose to do that.
Can you please ass some indication that just choosing to talk to her is going to force you to willingly offer yourself to her? Or add a new path while talking to her that is the player being pred and\or one of him being niether pred nor prey?

This seems to be the case for all paths on day two.
"Whether he decides to just go on with his life, become a predator, or just get eaten in the end... it's all up to him."
Yeah, this is very disappointing, as I had thought there was going to be freedom of choice…

(1 edit)

I’ve finished the game. Maybe at first day you did a wrong choice. I managed to eat for the whole game around 12 girls, including mom.

That doesn't make any sense.

There's no indication that any choice would result in a forced prey ending.

There are a handful of scenes that come up randomly. I've put up a guide for when they show up.


Can't say I like the fact there is randomness, when the game was intially advertised to me with the promise of it being my choice…

I do, however, appreciate that there is a guide. I also have nothing about hidden routes if you were curious, just the random ones; as when I make a choice in a VN, I assume the choice to have the same result everytime, hence when I reloaded and every choice ended in me being digested, I was very upset.

I suggest putting an important info page on the main menu's option, that informs of the random events and that some choices don't always go down the same route. Including the full guide would be optimal in my opinion, but just the warning is really all that's needed. If such an option is already on the main menu, I will take a look next I can.

I won't get much of a chance to play this to try and see the different scenes, as I have very limited time on anything besides my phone (Android if you're curious).

The best game…

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